Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread

This soft, delicious, family-pleasing sandwich bread takes only 10 minutes to throw together before bedtime. Use a kitchenaid or similar stand mixer to knead, and it practically makes itself! I like to begin mine around 9pm when I’m getting ready for bed, let it rise on the counter overnight, and bake first thing in the morning.

I developed this recipe as a means of using up the buttermilk left behind from making butter from our dairy cow. Raw buttermilk is nothing like the buttermilk you find at the store— it is thin, similar to a storebought 1% or skim, and not at tall tangy. I recognize most folks will not have access to raw buttermilk, but you can substitute whatever storebought milk you have on hand, so long as you scald it first. I have not experimented with buttermilk from the grocery store, but I think it would work just fine!

Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Makes 2 loaves.


150 g active sourdough starter
330 g raw buttermilk (or pasteurized milk, scalded and cooled. See note.)
300 g lukewarm water
1 egg
30 g salt
50 g honey (optional)
300 g whole wheat flour
700 g bread flour

Note: Milk contains enzymes that can significantly interfere with the yeast development in sourdough. To deactivate them, you must scald the milk by heating until steaming (nearly boiling). Be aware that some will evaporate, so you may want to start with around 400g of milk in your saucepan or microwave safe bowl — that way, you’ll still have enough after its cooled. Allow the scalded milk to come down to room temperature (or only slightly warm to the touch) before mixing the dough. Do not scald buttermilk (storebought OR raw) as the heat will cause it to separate into curds and whey.


If using regular milk (not buttermilk), scald and allow to cool.

Into the bowl of your stand mixer, add the starter, milk of choice, water, egg, and honey. Use a fork or dough whisk to mix together until the egg is broken up well.

Add the flours and salt, and incorporate with a fork or dough whisk (or your hands) until it just comes together and no large flour streaks remain. Let rest for 30 mins.

Using the dough hook on the mixer, mix for 5-8 mins until the dough is smooth and comes away from the sides of the bowl. Remove the bowl from the mixer and place on the counter with a dampened tea towel.

Let the dough rise overnight (or for 8-10 hours in the daytime) at room temperature until it is nearly, but not quite, doubled in size. It will second proof in a loaf pan in the morning, so it will have more time to grow! If you are an avid sourdough baker, you may notice this dough ferments more slowly— this is common, as the lactic acid in the milk slows microbial activity.

Turn the dough out onto a floured countertop and divide in two. Shape the loaves, and transfer into oiled or parchment lined loaf pans— seam side down. Let proof at room temp for about 2-3 hours, or until the dough is very puffy and relaxed, and has reached the top of the loaf pans. Preheat oven to 375.

When the oven is preheated, use kitchen shears to cut a 1-1.5” deep score down the center of the loaf. You may need to make several passes with the cuts so it is evenly deep along the bottom of the gash.

Bake for 45 mins. Immediately remove from loaf pan and allow to cool for at least 20 mins before slicing.


Lard & Butter Pie Crust